The HDF data format is commonly used to store (possibily) heterogeneus data in binary format. As the file contains an index, the data is portable between different systems, even if the data types on source and target systems vary in length. Hence, the data can be easily processed later on with a variety of tools. Each file consits of zero to many datasets holding the data and additional metadata. For detailed information on the HDF5 format, see

As DASH arrays provide well-defined distributed memory, the containing data can be directly passed to the parallel hdf5 API. For that, the distribution pattern is queried from the array and reverse engineered as an hdf5 pattern. The DASH HDF5 API automates this process and provides a simple user interface for loading and storing data.

The DASH API is capable of reading and storing dash::Array and dash::Matrix containers. Hence, all examples work with both types of containers.

Using the API

DASH implements two different kinds of the API, which provide exact the same functionality. The first variant is driven by using function calls, while the second (recommended) provides a stream based approach, similar to the C++ iostream library. In future versions of DASH the first variant will be deprecated and removed.

In its simples form, an dash::Array or dash::Matrix is written by passing a filename, the dataset and the array to the API. For example:

auto array = dash::Array<double>(1000);
dash::io:StoreHDF::write(array, "file.hdf5", "dataset");

// Same as
dash::io::hdf5::OutputStream os("file.hdf5");
os << dash::io::hdf5::dataset("dataset") << array;

Data from and hdf5 file can be easily read in a similar way:

dash::Array<double> array;
dash::io:StoreHDF::read(array, "file.hdf5", "dataset");

// Same as
dash::io::hdf5::InputStream is("file.hdf5");
is >> dash::io::hdf5::dataset("dataset") >> array;


To specify how to deal with already existing files, datasets and pattern metadata, the API provides stream modifiers:

dash::io::hdf5::OutputStream os("file.hdf5");
os   << dash::io::hdf5::dataset("dataset")
     << dash::io::hdf5::store_pattern(false)
     << matrix;

For a full list of all options have a look at the DASH API documentation.

Adding and Manipulating Data

It is possible to add more datasets to a single hdf5 file. To this, the append option has to be set, as the default behaviour is to overwrite the hdf5 file.

// Store two matrices
auto matrix_a = dash::Matrix<int,2>(100, 100);
auto matrix_b = dash::Matrix<int,3>(10, 15, 20);

dash::io::hdf5::OutputStream os("file.hdf5", dash::io::hdf5::DeviceMode::App);
os << dash::io::hdf5::dataset("pressure")
   << matrix_a
   << dash::io::hdf5::dataset("temperature")
   << matrix_b;

In addition, already existing datasets can be modified, if the extents of the new data match the extens of the dataset. For various reasons, it is not checked if the file already contains a dataset with the given name. Overwriting a non existing dataset leads to a runtime error. Hence, the option modify_dataset has to be set if and only if an already existing dataset should be modified.

// Modify dataset
auto matrix_a = dash::Matrix<int,2>(100, 100);
auto matrix_b = dash::Matrix<int,2>(100, 100);
dash::io::hdf5::OutputStream os("file.hdf5", dash::io::hdf5::DeviceMode::App);
os << dash::io::hdf5::dataset("temperature")
   << matrix_a
   << dash::io::hdf5::modify_dataset()
   << matrix_b;

DASH Pattern Handling

By default, DASH stores the pattern layout as metadata in the hdf5 file. When reading back the file, DASH checks if it contains pattern metadata and creates the new pattern according to the metadata.

However there are some situations where this is not desired. Therefor DASH provides three different ways to specify the pattern creation when reading data:

  1. Create pattern according to metadata
  2. Pass allocated dash::Array
  3. Auto derive pattern

In this cases, the pattern creation is handled as described in Figure.

Flowchart of pattern creation Flowchart of pattern creation for various scenarios`


Statically Typed C++

As C++ is a statically typed programming language, the type of the pattern has to be known at compile time. Hence, the type of the Array or Matrix that is passed to StoreHDF::read() defines the type of the pattern. This can be problematic, if the given pattern does not support underfilled blocks and the extents of the hdf5 dataset are not divisable by the tilesize.

In case of the dash::Matrix, the pattern has to be specified explicitly as the default is a tile pattern which does not support underfilled blocks. This can cause a runtime error if the pattern should be restored according to the metadata, but a different number of units is used.

Supported Pattern Types

While DASH provides many different pattern types for the containers, the DASH HDF5 API currently only supports block and tile patterns. Passing containers with other pattern types will lead to a runtime error. These constraints are checked by making use of the pattern properties.

Parallel File System

As DASH uses the parallel HDF5 API, it is strongly recommented to read and write to a parallel file system (e.g. GPFS). Otherwise the IO performance will decrease massively.