The DASH Multidimensional Array (NArray)

Instantiating a DASH NArray

dash::NArray is an N-dimensional array container class template. Its constructor requires at least two template arguments, one for the element type (int, double, ...) and one for the dimension (N).

The following example creates a two-dimensional integer matrix with 40 rows and 30 columns:

dash::NArray<int,2> matrix(40,30); // 1200 elements

The number of required runtime constructor arguments depends on the dimension of the dash::NArray. Except for a default constructed dash::NArray object, which requires no arguments and is used for delayed allocation (see Sect. 1.6.1), we need to at least specify the extents of the multidimensional array in each dimension. This can be achieved by either passing an object of type dash::SizeSpec<N> or by giving the extent in each dimension individually. For example:

// use SizeSpec 20 x30x40 elements:
dash::SizeSpec<3> sspec(20,30, 40);
dash::NArray<int, 3> mat1(sspec );
dash::NArray<int, 3> mat2(dash::SizeSpec<3>(5,5,5));
// specify extents directly, 10000 elem in a 4D cube:
dash::NArray<int, 4> mat3(10,10,10,10);
// unallocated matrices, .allocate() call needed:
dash::NArray<int, 3> mat4, mat5;
// .allocate() accepts similar inputs as the constructor:

Further optional template arguments to specify the index type and storage order (also called memory arrangement) can be provided when instantiating the dash::NArray object. An example multidimensional array with column-major layout and long as the index type is shown below:

dash::NArray<int, 5, dash::COL_MAJOR, long>
matrix(100, 100, 100, 100, 100) ; // 10^10 = 2^33.2 elements 

In this example, the number of elements exceeds the range of a 32 bit index type (the default is ssize_t which can be overridden using a build option in DASH) and a 64 bit index type is thus required. Additionally, DASH offers both column-major and row-major storag for the elements (row-major is the default). These options determine the way in which the multi-dimensional index space is linearized and mapped on to the one-dimensional memory that computers work with.

For two-dimensional arrays this linearization can either happen row by row (aka. rowmajor storage) or column by column (aka. column-major storage). For arbitrary dimensions these definitions can be suitably extended and row-major then means that elements $(i, j,..., n)$ and $(i, j,..., n + 1)$ are stored next to each other, while in the case of columnmajor storage $(i, j,..., n)$ and $(i + 1, j, ...)$ are stored next to each other (not taking into account any possible data distribution among multiple units).

Fig. 1 visualizes the layout of elements in a two-dimensional dash::NArray, both with row-major storage. A final optional template argument specifies the type of the data distribution pattern used by the dash::NArray to determine the mapping of elements to units and finding their storage location. The following example shows the most general form, where all template parameters are explicitly specified.

using T        = int;                 // element value type
const int NDim = 2;                   // number of dimensions
const auto Arr = dash::COL_MAJOR;     // memory arrangement
using PatT     = dash::Pattern<NDim>; // pattern type
using IndexT   = PatT::index_type;    // index type

dash::NArray<T, NDim, Arr, IndexT, PatT> mat;

A dash::NArray is always allocated over a dash::Team, i.e., a group of units that contribute storage to hold the data for the container. A team can be specified as an optional last constructor argument. If no team is explicitly specified, it defaults to dash::Team::All(), the group of all units that exits when the program starts.

dash::Team & t = dash::Team::All().split (2);
// 100x100 elements allocated over t:
dash::NArray<int,2> mat(100,100,t);